Visualizza: 89
Giorno di aggiornamento: 05-11-2024
Località: Hsinchu County
Categoria: Produzione / Funzionamento Pianificazione / Progetti
Contenuto del lavoro
Job Summary
普利司通(Bridgestone)為提供永續行動力及進階解決方案的全球領導品牌,並為奧林匹克運動會與國際帕拉林匹克委員會的全球夥伴,自1982年在台灣開始深耕,期許以「最高品質貢獻社會」,透過永續發展與創新持續企業經營,歡迎加入普利司通的大家庭並共同追逐您的夢想 Be Bridgestone & Chase your dream
1. 生管課生產指令擔當,負責生產指令排程設定 (包含物料殘餘管理)。
2. 生產報表作成.現場生產相關所需。
3. 生產相關之直、間接消耗品採購(包含治工具/用品隻申購)
4. 獨立執行專案計劃、管理與執行(包含發起、追蹤、報告)。
5. 其他上級臨時交辦之事項。
‧ 依勞動基準法,雇主不得僱用未滿十五歲之人從事工作。 According to labor standers, no employer shall employ any person under the age of fifteen.
‧ 依就業服務法,外國人須經雇主申請許可,始可在中華民國境內工作。 According to employment service standers, foreign worker may engage in work within the Republic of China should his/her employer have not yet obtained a permit via application therefore.
Local contract terms only
Scadenza: 20-12-2024
Clicca per candidarti per un candidato gratuito
Segnala lavoro
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Xinyi District, Taipei City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Hsinchu City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 New Taipei City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Banqiao District, New Taipei City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Hsinchu City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Hsinchu City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Hsinchu City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Banqiao District, New Taipei City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Nangang District, Taipei City
⏰ 05-12-2024🌏 Kaohsiung City