ジョブタイプ: 全職

給料: 月薪40,000元

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As a Data Science Engineer at Micron, you will employ techniques and theories drawn from areas of mathematics, statistics, semiconductor physics, materials science, and information technology to uncover patterns in data from which predictive models, actionable insights, and solutions can be developed.

You will interact with experienced Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Business Areas Engineers, and UX teams to identify questions and issues for data analysis projects and improvement of existing tools. In this position, you will help develop software programs, algorithms and/or automated processes to cleanse, integrate, and evaluate large datasets from multiple disparate sources. There will be significant opportunities to perform exploratory and new solution development activities.

Responsibilities include, but not limited to:

  • Strong desire to grow a career as a Data Scientist in highly automated industrial manufacturing doing analysis and machine learning on terabytes and petabytes of diverse datasets.
  • Experience in the areas: statistical modeling, feature extraction and analysis, supervised/unsupervised/semi-supervised learning. Exposure to the semiconductor industry is a plus but not a requirement.
  • Ability to extract data from different databases via SQL and other query languages and applying data cleansing, outlier identification, and missing data techniques.
  • Strong software development skills.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Experience with or desire to learn:
  • Machine learning and other advanced analytical methods
  • Fluency in Python and/or R
  • pySpark and/or SparkR and/or SparklyR
  • Hadoop (Hive, Spark, HBase)
  • Teradata and/or another SQL databases
  • Tensorflow, and/or other statistical software including scripting capability for automating analyses
  • Javascript, AngularJS 2.0, Tableau
  • Experience working with time-series data, images, semi-supervised learning, and data with frequently changing distributions is a plus
  • Experience working with Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) is a plus
  • Existing papers from CVPR, NIPS, ICML, KDD, and other key conferences are plus, but this is not a research position

Designs, develops and programs methods, processes, and systems to consolidate and analyze unstructured, diverse “big data” sources to generate actionable insights and solutions for client services and product enhancement. Interacts with product and service teams to identify questions and issues for data analysis and experiments. Develops and codes software programs, algorithms and automated processes to cleanse, integrate and evaluate large datasets from multiple disparate sources. Identifies meaningful insights from large data and metadata sources; interprets and communicates insights and findings from analysis and experiments to product, service, and business managers.





1. 12個月基本薪資+2個月年終獎金(需當年度12月31日當日在職員工方能領取)

2. 工程師職位薪資: (1)工程師NT54000起 (2)輪班工程師NT48000起 (輪班津貼另計) (3)具半導體經驗者薪優另議

3. 績效獎金(IPP):按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與。

4. 即時獎勵(Spot Bonus/Micron Point):發給工作表現卓越之員工。

5. 久任獎勵(Service Award):服務每滿五年之員工,可獲頒特別贈品。

6. 勞工退休金雇主提撥率:8%,優於勞基法規定。

7. 新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依服務比例按月給予特休),優於勞基法規定。

8. 全薪病假80小時;政府紀念不放假之紀念日給予特別休假,讓同仁有更多的假期安排。

教育訓練 Micron全球人力培訓主要目標是 - 確保每個成員都能夠獲得展現高績效成果所需要的學習資源。Micron提倡標準化的訓練架構,以便根據團隊成員的職位、工作職能、工作角色和執行的特定工作來識別必要和相關的訓練。Micron 的主要訓練架構:

1. 美光核心職能訓練:包含與法規遵循相關且適用於所有 Micron成員的訓練活動。

2. 地區性/廠區核心要求:包含與法規遵循相關、適用於特定地區或廠區之所有成員的訓練活動。

3. 部門核心職能訓練:包含適用於特定部門內所有成員,包含與安全有關以及單位內訓練活動。

4. 特定工作角色的特定訓練:如領導力訓練、接班人計畫。

5. 除了一般的訓練方法,美光也利用多元的學習方式來達到人力發展目標,如:自我學習方案、工作輪調、專案參與等。


1. 健保、勞工保險及免費團體保險(含壽險、意外、健康醫療團體保險)。員工配偶及子女享有免費健康醫療團體保險。

2. 醫務室,具專業護士駐廠並定期提供專科醫師問診。

3. 生日禮券、生育、婚喪賀奠及急難補助。

4. 提供多條路線之交通車搭乘服務。

5. 設有各式公司社團及康樂活動。

6. 設施完善的停車場。

7. 員工餐廳及便利商店。

8. 社團經費補助。

9. 開放式圖書閱覽室以及健身房。

10. 設備完善的電腦教室與訓練教室。

11. 員工宿舍(台中廠)、租屋補助(桃園廠)。

『美光政策已經且將持續落實所有人力資源活動及福利待遇,不分種族、宗教、膚色、性別、國籍、年齡、殘疾、性向、婚姻狀態、軍籍地位或其他受法律保護之類別。每位經理人、主管及團隊成員均有責任貫徹此政策規定。 人事部門之雇用平權承辦人負責本政策之執行、解答任何相關問題及查核員工遵守政策之成效狀況。』


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締切: 20-12-2024



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